Subject Verb Agreement Practice Esl

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of the English language. It is especially important when speaking or writing in a professional setting, where grammatical errors can make you look unprofessional. For ESL (English as a Second Language) learners, subject-verb agreement can be particularly challenging due to the different rules and structures in their native language. However, with practice, one can learn and master subject-verb agreement in English.

Here are some subject-verb agreement practice exercises for ESL learners:

1. Match the subjects and verbs

This exercise involves matching the correct subject with its corresponding verb. For example:

– John (subject) _____ (verb) to the store yesterday.

Possible answers: went, have gone, is going

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form

In this exercise, learners need to select the correct verb form to agree with the subject. For example:

– The children _____ (play) in the park.

Possible answers: are playing, is playing, play

3. Choose the correct verb

This exercise requires learners to select the correct verb that agrees with the subject. For example:

– The dog _____ (barks) loudly.

Possible answers: barks, bark, is barking

4. Rewrite the sentence

In this exercise, learners need to rewrite a sentence to correct subject-verb agreement errors. For example:

– Incorrect sentence: The group of students were arguing.

– Correct sentence: The group of students was arguing.

5. Identify the subject-verb agreement error

This exercise requires learners to identify the subject-verb agreement error in a given sentence. For example:

– Incorrect sentence: The flowers in the vase is dying.

– Correct sentence: The flowers in the vase are dying.

Subject-verb agreement is not a simple task for ESL learners to grasp, but with consistent practice and patience, it can be mastered. Reading, writing and speaking in English regularly can immensely improve subject-verb agreement. Additionally, ESL learners may find it helpful to practice with a tutor or join online forums to interact with other learners and receive feedback on their progress.

In conclusion, mastering subject-verb agreement is an essential step towards fluent English communication. Practice will help ESL learners become confident in their writing and speaking abilities and allow them to communicate more effectively in a professional and academic setting.